Friday, August 10, 2007

Hello. I realise it has been nearly a month since I have last written but I have been tired, am tired and am currently bogged down with much work to get done by next weekend.. so I can go away and play! Hallelujah. In the next few weeks I am hoping to get to Uganda, then Masai Mara and finally heaven at the end of the rainbow Zanzibar.

Just to recap the past few weeks though.. July 20th my sister had two very tiny baby girls at 27 weeks and I flew to New York to meet Margo and Phoebe and play with their big sister in central park which was lovely. I came back here early August which I guess was only last weekend, stayed with Tanya(activities were confined to sleeping lots, eating Italian food, drinking wine and bitching about Kenyan men) and picked my friend and coworker from Leap (Abbie) up at the airport Monday morning before flying back to Kisumu. Then Eldoret.. where I have been learning Swahili all week. Eldoret was rainy and muddy and fairly miserable. My coldest week in Kenya, though the company was delightful. The language didn't stick at all but I learned how to say chicken shit and a few other choice phrases. Now I need to study study.

On Tuesday I did have a jet-lagged/Isabel Losada inspiration for my post VSO life, but it'll have to wait as I am tired, hungry and grumpy. Indian buffet tonight.. that should snap me out of it. Lots of thoughts. Sorry my communication has been dismal. bx

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