Sunday, May 20, 2007

Kajiado - Thursday May 17, 2007

Well.. tonight can probably rank in the top 20 wierdest nights of my life. Really. But let me back up.

This week has sucked on the whole. Though my blues only lasted a scant 24 hours, no I’d say more like 30 hours I still prefer happiness over my crabby pants self (who doesn’t?).

Monday. I took easy coach from Kisumu to Nairobi. Jumped off at Westlands, had a drink with my Kenyan boy, took a cab to Kassarani and was blessed with Sarah’s cooking.. nothing less than a wonderful vegetable curry (coconut milk and eggplant seemed like such novel flavours).

Tuesday, I went to KISE (Kenya Institute of Special Education) with Tanya to meet the staff, and then giggling to myself over the previous nights conversations I headed into Nairobi. My mood pretty much plummeted hence forth. No one was available to meet with me at VSO, and my long list of chores (including embassy visits) seemed impossible. At 1pm I found myself at lunch with Potash and 5 hours and too many beers later I realized that not only had I not done anything useful with my day I hadn’t gone to the store or started dinner for Tanya and Sarah. Fortunately when I arrived in Kassarani Tanya beckoned me from the balcony of a pub and several drinks later I completely bailed on the pretense that I was making dinner and we munched on chapattis as we walked home in the dark. None of this sounds terrible, but by the next morning (and I did go to bed at 8:30) my shit colored glasses were firmly in place and I had a “what’s the point?” attitude about just about everything. As Sarah and I rode into town she tolerated this line of thought for a whole lot longer than she should of. We did email, had coffee and I decided not to go to Kajiado as scheduled. Instead I went back to Kassarani meditated (which turned into a nap) and attempted to do some computer work. I also swam with Tanya when she got off work. The pool she goes to is a funny place really. It’s the Kassarani sports complex. It looks like it was built by the Russians and although both Tanya and Sarah go there often I find the place desolate and a bit freaky. But afterwards I made dinner and my mood generally improved (exercise perhaps?).

So this morning.. made a short but seemingly epic journey to Kajiado. About one hour north of the Tanzania border it’s an interesting part of the country. When you come out of Nairobi the plains to the south open up before you and Kajiado is one of those places where you can experience the full bredth of the horizon. Today the sky was low and heavy with cloud, and honestly for this one horse town it seemed apt.

Alex my albino colleague and counterpart is really quite knowledgeable about all sorts of things, and I was impressed at the level of organization for the training. They are running the workshop in a ministry administration lecture room (sounds much fancier than it is) but the people doing the food are a huge improvement over Kisumu’s caterers. Really I just have a secret penchant for mdazi (sp?) and we get them twice a day with chai.

So, each district perceives me to play a different role and before I offer or refute any service provision I try and find out exactly what it is they want from me. With Kajiado I have no idea. I think they want me to marry a Masai man and stay permanently, but I pointed out it had already been done and the book already written so perhaps I need something different for myself. Claire only came to Kajiado once, and I can’t recall if this is the district she avoided because she didn’t like a staff member or it was some other.. anyway the coordinator for Kajiado EARC is an interesting character and an aspiring politician (though his candidacy won’t be official until July!). When he offered to take me out dancing during my next visit and I nodded absently I was suddenly uncertain about what exactly I had agreed too. He also promised me a position on his staff if he was elected if I would volunteer to support his campaigning by writing documents. My English he claimed was better than his. Possibly. I pointed out that VSO probably wouldn’t be that hot on me creating political material, especially when it was for the opposition party.

But anyway, politics aside, I can’t remember another evening, when I’ve been in a dive bar, drinking warm beer in a small and unalluring town with a couple of new colleagues and two other unknown men eating fish, ugali and skumawiki with my hands whilst they all chomp on goat bones. And its times like this when I am thankful. Because .. all along.. isn’t this exactly what I had in mind for my life? Lala salama. B xx

May 18, 2007

Today I am bored. What a nasty, dirty word. One I try to avoid at all costs. I have re-written a developmental play group article I am working on with Martin, I have attempted to pen a letter to Jamie, I have created fancy pants Ministry of Education certificates and now.. I am just trying to keep my eyes open, because it would be rude to sleep in the training. They are currently writing educational goals. This activity may have been going on for the last 20 minutes. Roll on 4:00.

(the boredom was catching by the way.. at least 2 other people pronounced they were bored later this same day. oh dear.)


Headed to Kitui today. Soon. b x

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