Friday, February 09, 2007

Hello. I am very hot and sticky tonight and email is sssssllllooooooooooow. I haven't had a chance to check/blog/email/respond the last couple of days. I actually went up to Kakamega yesterday. But.. I am in no mood to write. I will type up an epic description of my week from home and upload it this weekend. Yes. That seems preferable to trying my hand at humor or wit or just plain accurate description. Tired. It's funny how the journeying can really wipe me out. It makes me weary like I've not previously known. I did catch a ride in the back of pickup loaded with sacks of maize today. Well doesn't that whet your appetite for the story?

.. started "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer (thanks Steph)and so I know what I am going to be doing for much of my weekend.

Soon. love. b

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