Thursday, March 29, 2007

i have been so remiss with blogging.. i know. I haven't had two brain cells to rub together. this week is the national speech and language training and it's going exceptionally well if I may say so myself. It's a great and dedicated group from 20 districts far and wide. so much to say.. and i will.. soon.

last week i was in nairobi, ostensibly at in country training but really on the photocopier at VSO making a plethora of handouts by day, dancing my arse off with all and sundry by night. more about that too. i love that you can leave a bar at 5:30 am and the place is still pumping.

the next entry may be as long as my arm. b

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh your stories make me laugh - I just laughed at the comment of you thinking you had carpal tunnel, but in fact in could just be that you're doing push ups! Oh B! Did you ever think that your aching body may have been from hours of hot dancing? It crossed my mind, just curious (hehehe). I miss you so, but love reading your stories. Keep them coming and email soon! 90 pounder