Thursday, January 11, 2007

Two more sleeps.. and it has been a crazy week. One in which I wasn't sure if I was leaving Saturday or not.. but I am. And even though I am very excited.. yesterday was very teary. I was leaky for most of the evening. But today I am in much more buoyant spirits.

Also I just read (one of the perils of packing) a great book (another gift I am afraid).. called "Griffin & Sabine An Extraordinary Correspondence" by Nick Bantock. Think the adults guide to "The Jolly Postman"! Well worth a look in. One of those books you just want to keep forever.

Anyway. I will be writing.. from Nairobi.. sooner than I thought possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It takes courage and strength to follow your dreams. Well done. May you be safe knowing that you are loved and are doing the things you need to be doing in this lifetime. hjs