Friday, January 12, 2007

I have been thinking a lot lately about the words 'I love you' and how trite they sound sometimes.. how they barely describe the depth of emotion I feel towards the people to whom I direct this sentiment. The words just don't touch on the way I feel about the advice, wisdom, perspective, company and absurdity that I have received recently.. especially on days where I barely kept it, myself, the vast and endless to-do list, together. And so.. if I didn't say it very well.. or at all.. it wasn't because I didn't feel it. And as a final word on all this soppy emotion business I must say that I have the most supportive workplace that ever there was. Yay. ra.

So.. I have embarked upon my 'leave of absence' (thanks Katie). And tonight shall be a rocking good time.

Next entry from Nairobi! I am there until Thursday.

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